Time Line Therapy®

I’m curious, have you ever experienced a burst of anger or frustration and didn’t know where it came from?
Or perhaps you feel burdened by bouts of sadness, feeling guilty or shameful and just “not good enough”?

Maybe you’re struggling to make more money, maybe you’re scared of public speaking or actually being seen for who you are.

Time Line Therapy® is a process that allows us to easily and effortlessly let go of negative emotions in a very short period of time, without the need to re-live any unpleasant experiences from the past.

It’s what we call a process of active imagination and travelling through your own Time Line and the events of your past and future.

It’s based on the notion of how we understand the concept of time and the role time plays in the storage of memories, and their organisation.
Your past experiences and memories could be negatively contributing to how you react to every day situations now, preventing you from expressing your true self and achieving the results you desire.

This technique is extremely powerful in eliminating negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt or guilt, limiting beliefs and decisions.
It allows to efficiently declutter and release the baggage, which might have been deeply rooted in you for lifetimes. Not only it allows you to let go of everything that’s holding you back, but also preserve the learnings from these experiences.

During this process of following guided suggestions, you will work with your Unconscious Mind. Were you even aware that the Unconscious Mind stores all the information, your deeply rooted beliefs and emotions even if you are consciously not aware of them?
That’s why we work with your Unconscious Mind because the change happens on the unconscious level, which effects in an efficient and long-lasting release of those often distressing or traumatic experiences.

Time Line Therapy® is also incredibly effective in future pacing e.g. releasing anxiety about future events, as well as setting bulletproof goals, so that they are much easier to reach once they are rooted in your Timeline.

This quick process facilitates a true transformation and allows to create long lasting changes.

*I utilise this technique in most of my coaching, be it breakthrough sessions or coaching programs.

And if you are interested in becoming a Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®, get in touch with me to discuss the available training.